St. Louis Woman

Created by Marianna joslyn 10 years ago
The first real memory I have of Janene, my longtime friend and quartetmate, was that she played the "St. Louis woman" in a song the chorus sang. I mean to tell you, she was the WOMAN! She floated along the stage, coiffed and made up to a fare thee well, and newbie Sweet Adeline that I was, I thought, OMG, if I could ever be half as cool as this woman, I might have a shot at being a good SA. My second pre-quartet memory was of JP and his quartet coming to sing for her birthday. This of course just solidified my picture of her as the coolest woman ever. The first time I sang with her with Midnight Special, it was for a day of Christmas carols. At some point during the day, I said how honored I felt to be singing with Midnight, and she said, "You should be." then I was a little scared of her!!! And then as we sang together and roomed together and told each other our secrets, we became fast friends. We had one hiatus in that when I moved away, but when we came back together it was only stronger.Lord how I love that woman. How I miss her, although I have not come to terms with her agreeing to go to God. In my heart she's still here, sitting next to me in the back of Ozzi's car, making scarves for people. In my heart, I know I will see her again. I see her looking at me as we sing little tenor-bari tiddlies together, fussing at me if I interrupted her pre-contest prep, I can feel her strong, warm, heartfelt hugs, see her incredibly beautiful eyes shining at me in happiness and in sympathy. Love you sister.